Three members of Carbine’s PvP Team took to Reddit this a few days ago to answer questions about arenas and battlegrounds.The team included:
CRB_Bardic - Jen Gordy, PvP Systems Lead
CRB_KevinLee - Kevin Lee, PvP Systems Designer
CRB_JTal - Jeff Tallon, Itemization Designer
Here are some of the highlights.
1.A third battleground has been exhaustively tested internally. Hopefully players will get to experience it soon.
2.There are currently no plans to let the two factions talk to each other in-game. Apparently its been a hot debate topic at Carbine, and they’re still looking to hear feedback.
3.After some internal number crunching and testing, the team found PvP gear needed some work. That lead to a drastic change where the PvP Offense and Defense stats accounted for half the total stats on any piece of gear. The idea is that PvP gear can be worn for PvE, but you put yourself at an extreme disadvantage. And the same for the other way around.
4.PvP Gear Progression: At 50 you can purchase a Dungeon-quality blue set with Prestige (PvP currency). Next is a Veteran-quality epic set for each class which needs prestige and a personal rating in battlegrounds, arenas or warplots. The final tier is raid-quality epic gear for both prestige and a high personal rating in arenas or warplots.
5.Arenas all have a “team revive pool.” Carbine felt this helped make the matches a little longer while adding a lot of interesting elements and more tactical arena play. Average arena match in beta has been clocking in at 5 to 6 minutes. Very few have come any where near close to the 30 minute time limit.
6.The PvP stats allow the devs to quickly and easily balance and tweak PvP in the game without touching the PvE side of the game.
7.Each player will have 5 PvP ratings: ranked battlegrounds, 2v2 arenas, 3v3 arenas, 5v5 arenas and warplots.
8.PvP stats work in BGs, arenas and warplots as well as the open world.
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