Carbine Studios has revealed the two final playable races in its upcoming massively multiplayer online RPG, WildStar—the Chua and the Mordesh. Both races were unveiled at the San Diego Comic Con following a panel about the game.
The first of the two races, the Mordesh, can be best described as undead. According to the game’s lore, they were once a race of people who were in league with the Dominion who were, en masse, changed into walking dead fueled by cannibalistic rage due to the failure of a miracle drug. In the aftermath, the survivors joined forces with the Exiles in order to survive the Dominion’s quarantine processes.
The Chua on the other hand are diminutive rodent-like critters who develop advanced weapons and technology for the Dominion. Nearly as brilliant as they are sociopathic, the inventive race of Chua are balanced by their devious, competitive and insane personalities.
In all, there are eight races in the game, with four per faction—the Dominion and the Exiles. Further details about the two new races can be found at the game’s official website.
The game’s release date and business model have yet to be announced, but it shouldn’t be too long before these details are revealed.
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